Well, I don't really know how to start this without being too awkward, or just spill too much of my emotions onto this blog, but I've been cheated on. And I wouldn't have been so sad, so hurt, if he didn't choose my best friend. We've grown apart but I still thought of her as my sister, someone I could trust with my deepest darkest of secrets. How he decided to do it, was quite foolish... As I knew something was going on, when he was flirting with her on the group chat we were all in. He was sending her explicit texts, and although I knew this isn't proof enough I could feel something was going on. They had a connection where I couldn't but in. After all they said their relationship was no more than just a "brother to sister" thing.
Well unless you didn't know I'm not a fool, and that's disgusting if you're flirting with your so called "sister." Absolutely repulsive. I think now I'm more angry than I am sad now that I'm typing about it. She tried texting me about and guess who she was siding with, you got it my ex! How lovely... I confronted him about it, guess what kind of bull he told me "Oh it was just a typing error." Like what, I didn't know Samsung phones has a secret feature where it auto corrects your words into explicit pick up lines. (Boohoo) That's not how life works honey, if you wanna cheat own up to it not being an immature fool who thinks you're so slick you could get away with it... To my ex and her, I hate you both, and one day I hope you all could experience the same crap you pulled on me.
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